Opstick is short for Opinion Sticker and we are a print on demand company


Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. Freedom of expression varies from individual to individual and is a guarantee of the first amendment.

 As advocates of free speech/expression, we in no way approve or endorse one thought over another. We provide different sides of an issue in comical, sarcastic, or straight forward thought. No subject matter is “off bounds” (especially the powerful). We also are strong advocates for tolerance. Which is a fair, objective, and permissive attitude towards opinions, beliefs and practices that differ from our own. Especially those we do not agree with. WE RESPECT an individual’s right to think freely, express themselves freely and suggest others to do the same. It is an AMERICAN VALUE. We are strongly against censorship in any way. Censorship is the suppression of ideas and information that certain persons — individuals, groups, or government officials — find objectionable or dangerous. Censors try to use the power of the state to impose their view of what is truthful and appropriate, or offensive and objectionable, on everyone else. Censors pressure public and private institutions, to suppress and remove information they judge inappropriate or dangerous from public access, so that no one else has the chance to read or view the material and make up their own minds about it. The censor wants to prejudge for everyone. The censor is UNAMERICAN and in our opinion, has no place in AMERICA.

With support and gratitude, we are committed to offering a helping hand. Our focus is on Military/Veterans, First Responders, Animal Welfare, Youth Programs and other Community Oriented Organizations. So recognize a portion of all profits will benefit those in need, and that you will be indirectly assisting us.

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